Friday 29 May 2020

How to compare displayed drop down select values(actual values displayed) are matching with user expected drop down values for web data tables in java-selenium ? | How to automate page length options for data tables in selenium ?

Hi, in this post, we will learn about how to auto compare the displayed drop down select values to the user expected drop down values.

i.e , compare "actual values displayed" to the "user expected values"  for the drop down select for a web data table.

Zoom-In by tapping the image:

The approach is as follows: 
1) Declare a list for user expected values of an integer(later in the code convert to sting)
     or String type.
2) Locate the drop down select element on the web using xpath locator technique.
3) Create an object of "Select" class with the argument of  drop down select element. (from #2)
4) Store the values of actual values displayed in another list of type WebElement
5) Compare the two lists  and confirm the equality.

user expected values
List<Integer> expectedDropDownValues = new ArrayList<Integer>()

actual values displayed
WebElement entriesDropDownLocator = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='example_length']"));
Select entriesDropDown = new Select(entriesDropDownLocator);

List<WebElement> actualDropDownValues = entriesDropDown.getOptions();

Compare the two lists
for(int i=0;i<actualDropDownValues.size();i++) {
     if(actualDropDownValues.get(i).getText().equals(expectedDropDownValues.get(i).toString())) {
      System.out.println("Value Matching :"+"Actual List Value="+actualDropDownValues.get(i).getText()+" And Expected Value="+expectedDropDownValues.get(i));
     }else {
      System.out.println("Value Not Matching :"+"Actual List Value="+actualDropDownValues.get(i).getText()+" And Expected Value="+expectedDropDownValues.get(i));
package selenium.datatables;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class CompareDisplayedDropdownSelectValuesWithActualValues {

 public static WebDriver driver;

 public void compareDispalyedRowCountToActualRowCount() throws Exception {
  List<Integer> expectedDropDownValues = new ArrayList<Integer>()
  System.out.println("Expected dropdown values for accounts table");
  for (Integer expectedOptions : expectedDropDownValues) {
  WebElement entriesDropDownLocator = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='example_length']"));
  Select entriesDropDown = new Select(entriesDropDownLocator);
  List<WebElement> actualDropDownValues = entriesDropDown.getOptions();
  System.out.println("Actual dropdown values from accounts table");
  for (WebElement actualValues : actualDropDownValues) {
  System.out.println("Compare the actual values with the expected values for dropdown");
  for(int i=0;i<actualDropDownValues.size();i++) {
     if(actualDropDownValues.get(i).getText().equals(expectedDropDownValues.get(i).toString())) {
      System.out.println("Value Matching :"+"Actual List Value="+actualDropDownValues.get(i).getText()+" And Expected Value="+expectedDropDownValues.get(i));
     }else {
      System.out.println("Value Not Matching :"+"Actual List Value="+actualDropDownValues.get(i).getText()+" And Expected Value="+expectedDropDownValues.get(i));
 public void closeDriver() {
 public void quitDriver() {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   CompareDisplayedDropdownSelectValuesWithActualValues c = new CompareDisplayedDropdownSelectValuesWithActualValues();
   System.setProperty("", "D:\\006_trainings\\chromedriver.exe");
   System.setProperty("","true" );
   driver = new ChromeDriver();

Console Log:
Expected dropdown values for accounts table
Actual dropdown values from accounts table
Compare the actual values with the expected values for dropdown
Value Matching :Actual List Value=10 And Expected Value=10
Value Matching :Actual List Value=25 And Expected Value=25
Value Matching :Actual List Value=50 And Expected Value=50
Value Matching :Actual List Value=100 And Expected Value=100

I hope you find this post is useful, stay tuned for more automation.!

How to compare displayed row count on web page is equals to data table calculated row count in java-selenium ? | Calculate web data table row count in java-selenium

Hi , In this tutorial, we'll learn about how to compare displayed row count on page is equals to data table row count in java selenium.

There are several ways to accomplish this, by the time I write this article, I've come across two ways.
They are
1) Calculate the no. of rows in data table by navigating through the pagination buttons.
2) Calculate the no. of rows in data table by using jQuery "length" function.

We will see the latter implementation in this post.

Tap on to the image to get better visibility of content : 

The approach is as follows.
1. Wait for sometime to load the page for which data table is present.
2. Take an integer variable say "dataTableActualRowCount" with 0 as the default value.
3. Create  JavascriptExecutor object for the driver.
4. Use jQuery "length" function technique within java-selenium code.
5. jQuery stores the value in Object so convert it into integer and store the jquery returned length in
6. Find the displayed count from bottom of the page using WebElement finder technique and store it
    in another integer variable say "displayedCountOfRowsOnPage".
7. Now, Compare the values of "dataTableActualRowCount" and
8. If dataTableActualRowCount == displayedCountOfRowsOnPage then "displayed row count
   on page is equals to data table row count " else "displayed row count on page is NOT equals
   to data  table row count".

dataTableActualRowCount - calculating using jQuery "length" function
int dataTableActualRowCount=0;
JavascriptExecutor js=(JavascriptExecutor)driver;
dataTableActualRowCount =  ((Number)js.executeScript("return $('#example').DataTable().rows().data().toArray().length;")).intValue();

System.out.println("Data table row count="+dataTableActualRowCount);

displayedCountOfRowsOnPage - finding through WebElement
String displayedCount = driver.findElement("example_info")).getText().split(" ")[5];
int displayedCountOfRowsOnPage = Integer.parseInt(displayedCount);

System.out.println("Data table display count on page ="+displayedCountOfRowsOnPage);
package selenium.datatables;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class CompareDisplayedRowCountToDataTableRowCount {

 public static WebDriver driver;
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   System.setProperty("", "D:\\006_trainings\\chromedriver.exe");
   System.setProperty("","true" );
   driver = new ChromeDriver();
 public static void compareDispalyedRowCountToActualRowCount() throws Exception {
  int dataTableActualRowCount=0;
  JavascriptExecutor js=(JavascriptExecutor)driver;
  dataTableActualRowCount =  ((Number)js.executeScript("return $('#example').DataTable().rows().data().toArray().length;")).intValue();
  System.out.println("Data table row count="+dataTableActualRowCount);
  String displayedCount = driver.findElement("example_info")).getText().split(" ")[5];
  int displayedCountOfRowsOnPage = Integer.parseInt(displayedCount);
  System.out.println("Data table display count on page ="+displayedCountOfRowsOnPage);
  if(, displayedCountOfRowsOnPage)==0) {
   System.out.println("Displayed count on page is equals to the data table row count ");
  }else {
   System.out.println("Displayed count on page is NOT equals to the data table row count");
   throw new Exception("Displayed count on page is NOT equals to the data table row count");

I hope you find this tutorial is useful, stay tuned for more automation.!

- Sadakar Pochampalli

Wednesday 27 May 2020

WebElement interface methods examples in selenium - part 3 | Understanding of method isEnabled()

Hi, in this post, we will walk through the usage and live example of isEnabled() method. isEnabled() method, we apply in special scenarios where in we select a check box and get the status of a button i.e., enabled or disabled. Let's take a look into the following example.

  • To verify if an element is enabled or disabled on web-page. 
  • Returns "ture" if element is enabled and returns "false" if an element is disabled. 
  • Examples: Mostly used with button elements, locked/disabled text input elements.
Problem Statement : 
Display the status of "Sign up" button - The below two images gives an idea on how the button looks before enabled and after enabled after selecting a check box.

Sign up  button before enabled i.e., before selecting check box "I have read...." 
Tap on the image to get better visibility:
Sign up  button after enabled i.e., after selecting check box "I have read...." 
Tap on the image to get better visibility:
The below piece of selenium script does
    a) verifies the status of "Sign up" button before enabled.
    b) selects the check box "I have read..." and
    c)  verifies the status of "Sign up" button after selecting the  check box.

//isEnabled() example - before selecting the check box
//display the enable or disable status of "Sign Up" button before selecting the check box
WebElement signUp = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@id='signup']"));
boolean b1 = signUp.isEnabled();//false
System.out.println("Sign Up button enable/disable before selecting \"I have read and accpet...\" check box = "+b1);
//select the "I have read and accept check box
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='termsAndPrivacy']"));
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 60);
new Actions(driver).moveToElement(element, 1, 1).click().perform();

//isEnabled() example - check box
//display the enable or disable status of "Sign Up" button after selecting the check box
boolean b2 = signUp.isEnabled();//true
System.out.println("Sign Up button enable/disable after selecting \"I have read and accpet...\" check box = "+b2);

Watch this ~ 6 min video tutorial for the demo :
package selenium.webelement.methods;

/* button isEnabled() demo */

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

public class WebElementInterfaceMethod_isEnabledDemo {

 public static void main(String[] args)  {
  WebDriver driver;
  //loading Chrome driver from physical drive
  System.setProperty("", "D:\\006_trainings\\chromedriver.exe");
  System.setProperty("", "true");
  //System.setProperty(ChromeDriverService.CHROME_DRIVER_SILENT_OUTPUT_PROPERTY, "true");
  //launch the browser
  driver = new ChromeDriver();
  //navigate to site
  //maximize the browser
  //close the message on site
  driver.findElement(By.xpath("//i[@class='close mb-close']")).click();
  // Sign Up form 
  WebElement signUpFromTab = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@class='btn btn-link btn-block'][contains(text(),'Sign up')]"));;
  WebElement email = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='email']"));

  //Confirm Email
  WebElement confirmEmail = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='confirmEmail']"));
  //Choose a Password
  WebElement chooseAPassword = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='choosePassword']"));
  //Confirm Password
  WebElement confirmPassword = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='confirmPassword']"));

  //isEnabled() example - before selecting the check box
  //display the enable or disable status of "Sign Up" button before selecting the check box
  WebElement signUp = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@id='signup']"));
  boolean b1 = signUp.isEnabled();
  System.out.println("Sign Up button enable/disable before selecting \"I have read and accpet...\" check box = "+b1);
  //select the "I have read and accept check box
  WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='termsAndPrivacy']"));
  WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 60);
  new Actions(driver).moveToElement(element, 1, 1).click().perform();

  //isEnabled() example - check box
  //display the enable or disable status of "Sign Up" button after selecting the check box
  boolean b2 = signUp.isEnabled();
  System.out.println("Sign Up button enable/disable after selecting \"I have read and accpet...\" check box = "+b2);;
  //close the browser
  //close all the browsers opened by WebDriver during execution and quit the session

To know more about isDisplayed() or isSelected() methods, please visit this post @

WebElement interface methods examples in selenium - part 2 | Understanding of methods isDisplayed() Vs isEnabled() Vs isSelected()

  • To verify presence of a web-element with in the web page. 
  • This method returns either true or false boolean values. 
  • If the element is present it returns "true" otherwise it returns "false". 
  • This method avoids the problem of having to parse an element's "style" attribute.
  • Example : This method can be applicable for all the elements on web-page. 
  • Returns whether an element say check box or radio button is selected or not. 
  • If selected returns "true", if not selected returns "false". 
  • Examples: Check boxes, drop downs , radio buttons 
I hope this helps someone in the community, stay tuned for more automation.

Sunday 24 May 2020

Actions(class) and Action(interface) in selenium | demonstration of keyboard events in selenium | using keyboard events send capital letters to search this article in

Hi, in this page, we will discuss about Actions(class) and Action(interface) and keyboard events example in selenium with some key take away notes.

For, mouse events tutorial, click this link.


  • It is a class and the package is org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions
  • It represents collection of individual Action that you want to perform.
  • Using this class we can handle keyboard and mouse events. i.e., 
    • Keyboard interface methods 
    • Mouse interface methods 


  • Action is an interface 
  • It represents single user interaction. 
  • Using this interface, on the Actions object we perform series of actions. 
  • Most widely and must use method is perform() after creating series of actions and storing in Action   

Keyboard events examples 

keyDown --> for instance, Pressing a Shift key
keyUp    --> for instance, Releasing a pressed Shift key
sendKeys --> used to send series of characters as text

Use case : Search text "Actions(class) and Action(interface) in selenium" in this site @ by sending the text in Capital letters. 

  1. Locate the "search box" element and store it in WebElement variable. 
  2. Create object "actionsBuilder" for Actions class and pass "driver" in its constructor.
  3.  Build the series of actions on "actionBuilder" object and store it in "Action" interface variable "seriesOfKeyBoardActions" and apply build() method once the series of actions are done.
  4. Perform the series actions using "perform()" method on the above created Action variable say "seriesOfKeyBoardActions" 
Click on the images to enlarge: 

The code snippet below holds shifts key and converts the text into capital letters using "keyDown" event and then releases the shift key using "keyUp" event.

//Search box element locator 
  WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='q']"));
  //Actions object
  Actions actionsBuilder = new Actions(driver);
  //Building the series of actions
  Action seriesOfKeyBoardActions = actionsBuilder
      .moveToElement(searchBox) //Moves the mouse pointer to the center of the element
      .click()  //perform click on the serach box 
      .keyDown(searchBox,Keys.SHIFT)  // Pressing shift key
      .sendKeys(searchBox,"Actions(class) and Action(interface) in selenium") //sending search text
      .keyUp(searchBox,Keys.SHIFT) // Releasing shift key
      .build(); // building all the above 5 actions 
  //Performing the built actions

Watch this space for walk through video tutorial for below use-case:
/* Keyboard events demo */

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

public class KeyboardEventsSendCaptialLettersForSearchingActionsArcticle {

 public static void main(String[] args)  {
  WebDriver driver;
  //loading Chrome driver from physical drive
  System.setProperty("", "D:\\006_trainings\\chromedriver_83.exe");
  System.setProperty("", "true");
  //launch the browser
  driver = new ChromeDriver();
  //navigate to site
  //maximize the browser
  //Search box element locator 
  WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='q']"));
  //Actions object
  Actions actionsBuilder = new Actions(driver);
  //Building the series of actions
  Action seriesOfKeyBoardActions = actionsBuilder
          .moveToElement(searchBox) //Moves the mouse pointer to the center of the element
          .click()  //perform click on the serach box 
          .keyDown(searchBox,Keys.SHIFT)  // Pressing shift key
          .sendKeys(searchBox,"Actions(class) and Action(interface) in selenium") //sending search text
          .keyUp(searchBox,Keys.SHIFT) // Releasing shift key
          .build(); // building all the above 5 actions 
  //Performing the built actions
  //click on Search button
  WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@class='gsc-search-button']"));;
  //close the browser
  //close all the browsers opened by WebDriver during execution and quit the session

Stay tuned for more automation!

- Sadakar Pochampalli

Saturday 23 May 2020

Actions(class) and Action(interface) in selenium | demonstration of mouse events in selenium| drag and drop images from source to target location demo in java-selenium

Hi, in this page, we will discuss about Actions(class) and Action(interface) and mouse events example in selenium with some key take away notes.

For, keyboard events tutorial, click this link.


  • It is a class and the package is org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions
  • It represents collection of individual Action that you want to perform.
  • Using this class we can handle keyboard and mouse events. i.e., 
    • Keyboard interface methods 
    • Mouse interface methods 


  • Action is an interface 
  • It represents single user interaction. 
  • Using this interface, on the Actions object we perform series of actions. 
  • Most widely and must use method is perform() after creating series of actions and storing in Action
Mouse events examples 
   clickAndHold(WebElement target),
   moveToElement(WebElement target),
   moveToElement(WebElement target, int xOffset, int yOffset),
   release() ,
   release(WebElement target) and etc. 

  Implements the builder pattern: Builds a CompositeAction containing all actions specified
          by the method calls

  • build() method
    • The build() method is always the final method used
    • All the listed actions will be compiled into a single step.
  • Definition by the book: 
Generates a composite action containing all actions so far,
ready to be performed (and resets the internal builder state,
so subsequent calls to build() will contain fresh sequences).

Use case : drag and drop images from source location to target 

  1. Locate the source/from element which you want to drag and store it in a WebElement variable.
  2. Locate the target/to element where you want to drop the source element and store it in a WebElement variable. 
  3. We work with Actions(class) & Action(interface) together so let's first create  Actions object "builder" by attaching "driver" object.
  4. Build the series of actions on "builder" object and store it in "Action" interface variable say "drop1Image1".
    NOTE : Must apply build() method at the end.
  5. Perform the series actions using "perform()" method on the above created Action variable say "drop1Image1"
The code snippet below clicks and holds --> moves --> and releases the images from the source location to target location.
    WebElement drag1FromImage1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='gallery']//img[contains(@alt,'The peaks of High Tatras')]"));
       WebElement dropImagesTo = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='trash']"));
       Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
       Action drop1Image1 = builder.clickAndHold(drag1FromImage1)

    Demo site credits and courtesy
    Click on the images to enlarge: 
    Before mouse events: 

    After mouse events: 

    Watch this space for walk through video tutorial for the example
    //drag and drop - mouse events demo
    package mouse.event.drag.and.drop.elements;
    import org.openqa.selenium.By;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
    import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
    import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action;
    public class MouseEventsActionsDragAndDropImagesDemo {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
      WebDriver driver;
      System.setProperty("", "D:\\006_trainings\\chromedriver_83.exe");
      System.setProperty("", "true");
      driver = new ChromeDriver();
      //drag and drop image from one location to another on web-page
      // switch to Frame 
      driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//iframe[@class='demo-frame lazyloaded']")));
      // source/from location 
      WebElement drag1FromImage1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='gallery']//img[contains(@alt,'The peaks of High Tatras')]"));
      WebElement drag2FromImage2 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='gallery']//img[contains(@alt,'The chalet at the Green mountain lake')]"));
      WebElement drag3FromImage3 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='gallery']//img[contains(@alt,'Planning the ascent')]"));
      WebElement drag4FromImage4 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='gallery']//img[contains(@alt,'On top of Kozi kopka')]"));
      // target/to location
      WebElement dropImagesTo = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='trash']"));
      //Object of Actions class
      Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
      //Building the series of actions
      Action drop1Image1 = builder.clickAndHold(drag1FromImage1)  // without releasing clicks the the image source location 
                 .moveToElement(dropImagesTo) //moves the mouse to the middle of target location 
                 .release(dropImagesTo) //releases the mouse at the current mouse i.e, at target location 
                 .build();  // build all the above 3 actions 
      //Performing the built actions 
      Action drop2Image2 = builder.clickAndHold(drag2FromImage2)
      Action drop3Image3 = builder.clickAndHold(drag3FromImage3)
      Action drop4Image4 = builder.clickAndHold(drag4FromImage4)

    Stay tuned for more automation!

    - Sadakar Pochampalli